First XI cricket team 1956

Courtesy of Paul Vernon1969-1972

Courtesy of Paul Vernon 1969-1972

Courtesy of Paul Vernon 1969-1972

Bondi Beach PS swim team 1947

Jnr softball 1967 - Courtesy Wilma Vallis

Bondi Beach football team - know the year?

What sport do you think this is?

Do you know anyone in this photo?

Boys league. Know the year?

Does the hair give away the decade?

T-ball or softball but what year?

1978 11s League

Junior Softball 1967

Cricket team from which year?

Snr softball 1978

1971 - Courtesy Kathy Scott

Netball 1972 - Courtesy Kathy Scott

3rd Grade Premiers in smart jerseys - 1965

Baseball or basketball? - 1969

3rd League team 1967

We love our sport at Bondi Beach - always have. Jnr Softball 1969

2nd League Team 1696